Enligt statistisk som förs av den brittisk-judiska organisationen CST skedde en markant ökning av antalet antisemitiska incidenter i Storbritannien under första halvan av 2024.

The Guardian (8/8) rapporterar:

”Antisemitic incidents in the UK more than doubled in the first half of 2024 compared with the same period the previous year, attributed to the war in Gaza, according to a leading Jewish charity.

The total number of incidents recorded for the first six months of this year was 1,978. The comparable number for 2023 was 964.

The Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors antisemitism and provides security for Jewish communities in Britain, said the figures were unprecedented and shocking.

“This is a hatred that, while deeply rooted, adapts to current social, political and cultural contexts. The most common form of political or ideological discourse present in antisemitic incidents reported to CST throughout the first half of 2024 referenced, or was linked to, Israel, Gaza, the Hamas terror attack or the subsequent war, alongside anti-Jewish language or targeting,” the CST said.”