Skånepolisen har rapporterat om en fördubbling av antalet antisemitiska hatbrott under 2009. Statistiken för hatbrott i hela landet  under som gått publiceras av BRÅ i juni men redan nu finns statistik från Frankrike och Storbritannien tillgänglig. Siffrorna visar på en kraftig ökning i båda länderna.

Antisemitic Incidents UK 2009

CST’s report on antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2009, out today, shows a record number of incidents against British Jews: 924 last year, compared to 546 the year before. It is 55% higher than the previous record high of 598 antisemitic incidents in 2006.

The full report is here, or there is a summary here.

Antisemitic incidents in France rise by 75%
February 4th, 2010 by Dave Rich
The French Jewish community organisation, the Jewish Community Protection Service, has recorded a 75% rise in antisemitic incidents in 2009:
PARIS — A group founded to protect France’s Jewish community says anti-Semitic acts in France soared 75 percent last year – many coming as Israel pressed an offensive against Hamas in the Middle East in January.
The Jewish Community Protection Service tallied 832 anti-Semitic acts in 2009, up from 474 a year earlier. Most involved graffiti and threatening gestures; about 17 percent involved vandalism and violence.
The group said Wednesday that 354 took place in January 2009 alone, when Israel ended a three-week offensive against Palestinian militant group Hamas in response to rocket attacks from Gaza.


/Jonathan Leman

(via CST Blog)

Uppdatering: Dagen rapporterar.